Begun in late 2016, the St. Benedict Grief Support Group is member led and is made up of individuals who have lost a loved one or have experienced loss of another kind. Because grief is not governed by time, the group is not just for those who have expereinced a recent loss.
Each attendee has an opportunity to share their story, feelings, concerns, and problems without interruption – if an attendee doesn’t wish to talk, that’s fine too.
We have an “open format” – attendees can come and go to any meeting at their convenience; average attendance is 5. There is no professional counselor, and no advice is given.
Anyone of any faith or no faith is welcome to attend. Because we are a group sponsored by St. Benedict, we will always open and close with prayer.
What is said in our Group is confidential and remains in the Group. There isn't a professional counselor nor is advice given.
We meet at the Church, in the last classroom down the blue hallway, from 7pm to 8:30pm on the first and third Thursday of every month.
If you have questions or would like more information, please email Margaret Bauman (, or Beth Brownson (