If you are ready to become a member of our community, there are various options.

If you have already been baptized or confirmed in the Episcopal church, we will request a Letter of Transfer from your last parish.

If you have been baptized in any other Christian denomination, we can recognize you as a baptized member. However, the expectation of those baptized at an early age, is that, when ready and duly prepared, to make a mature public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their Baptism and to receive the laying on of hands by the bishop (BCP 412).

Those who have been baptized as adults, are expected, when ready, to make a public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their Baptism in the presence of a bishop and to receive the laying on of hands. We will need the name of your denomination and the date of your baptism.


If you have been confirmed in another liturgical tradition, such as Roman Catholic or Lutheran, you are received into the church rather than confirmed. A person is received into the Episcopal Church by the bishop.

Reaffirmation is for those who have already been baptized and confirmed, but feel drawn to make a public reaffirmation of their faith.


If you wish to be a confirmed Episcopalian, we offer confirmation classes as needed each Fall, beginning in September. These classes offer an examination of faith and an understanding of Anglican worship.

Confirmation allows one to vote at our annual parish meetings, serve on the Vestry, and/or serve as a convention delegate at the Diocese of Chicago’s Annual Convention.

Please note that while confirmation is encouraged, anyone can attend our services. As mature practitioners, we recognize that faith journeys are varied and move at different speeds. We trust that the Holy Spirit will lead individuals to the decision of becoming a confirmed member. It is always a choice.

For more information, contact the office at info@stbenedict.ws